Alkatria Wiki / Continents & Maps / Utopca Grotto - main page

Name Utopca Grotto - main page
Size 35 x 35

Sea Basilisk
Duck's eggs are rapidly growing to amazing sizes. It may look like a lizard, but it is much more dangerous.
23 51 Details
A murderous demon who lures people into his water cave. Dead victims suck out internal organs or souls. He is said to be seen on Survivor Island at night, leaving the cave to make a little noise and steal some vegetables.
30 Legendary 700 Details

Name Tools Fields Appearance
Copper Activator
0 Rare Kilof Adventure Seeker
Kilof the Experienced Miner
Kilof the Golden Seeker
Kilof the Extraordinary Miner
Copper Pick (1)
Copper Vein (1)
Hidden Copper Vein (1)

Coastal Cave
Clay Grotto - p.1
Mine Shaft - s.1
Mine Shaft - s.2
Asgard Warehouse
Traveller's Cave
Invalid Grotto - p.1
Invalid Grotto - p.2
Invalid Grotto - p.3
Invalid Grotto - p.4
Invalid Grotto - p.5
Utopca Grotto - main page
Overgrown Grotto s.2
Overgrown Grotto - the prince's residence
Turtle Grotto
Spider Passage - p.1
Spider Passage - p.2
Spider Passage - p.3
Spider Passage - p.4
Lantern Cave
Production Gap s.1
Production Gap s.2
Abandoned Mining Camp
Unusual Tent
Cave with raw materials - copper
Hidden Copper Cave
Copper Ore
A common ore found on most of the continent. Metallurgical item.
0 Common Kilof Adventure Seeker
Kilof the Experienced Miner
Kilof the Golden Seeker
Kilof the Extraordinary Miner
Copper Pick (1)
Copper Vein (1)
Hidden Copper Vein (1)

Coastal Cave
Clay Grotto - p.1
Mine Shaft - s.1
Mine Shaft - s.2
Asgard Warehouse
Traveller's Cave
Invalid Grotto - p.1
Invalid Grotto - p.2
Invalid Grotto - p.3
Invalid Grotto - p.4
Invalid Grotto - p.5
Utopca Grotto - main page
Overgrown Grotto s.2
Overgrown Grotto - the prince's residence
Turtle Grotto
Spider Passage - p.1
Spider Passage - p.2
Spider Passage - p.3
Spider Passage - p.4
Lantern Cave
Production Gap s.1
Production Gap s.2
Abandoned Mining Camp
Unusual Tent
Cave with raw materials - copper
Hidden Copper Cave
Silver Ore
Metallurgical item.
0 Common Kilof Adventure Seeker
Kilof the Experienced Miner
Kilof the Golden Seeker
Kilof the Extraordinary Miner
Silver Pick (3)
Silver Vein (3)
Hidden Silver Vein (3)

Invalid Grotto - p.2
Invalid Grotto - p.3
Invalid Grotto - p.4
Invalid Grotto - p.5
Fossilized Cave
Utopca Grotto - main page
Overgrown Grotto - the prince's residence
Production Gap s.2
Abandoned Mining Camp
Centre of Cult
Hollow Tunnels s.1
Hollow Tunnels s.2
Crystal Rift
The Cave of Corruption
Cave with raw materials - silver
Cave with raw materials - silver+
Hidden Silver Cave
Silver Activator
0 Rare Kilof Adventure Seeker
Kilof the Experienced Miner
Kilof the Golden Seeker
Kilof the Extraordinary Miner
Silver Pick (3)
Silver Vein (3)
Hidden Silver Vein (3)

Invalid Grotto - p.2
Invalid Grotto - p.3
Invalid Grotto - p.4
Invalid Grotto - p.5
Fossilized Cave
Utopca Grotto - main page
Overgrown Grotto - the prince's residence
Production Gap s.2
Abandoned Mining Camp
Centre of Cult
Hollow Tunnels s.1
Hollow Tunnels s.2
Crystal Rift
The Cave of Corruption
Cave with raw materials - silver
Cave with raw materials - silver+
Hidden Silver Cave