Alkatria Wiki / Tasks / The Bestiary, Book I: The Water Creature
Name The Bestiary, Book I: The Water Creature
Level 16
Description The first quest from the bestiary
Starts at The Traveler from Afar

Walkthroughs are submitted by active players. The walkthrough may contain errors or be out of date. If you find an error, please report it in the game in the "Quest Walkthroughs" category
Currently no walkthrough for selected quest

To add a solution, please send it in the game submission panel in the "Quest solution" category

Poznaj historię rzadkiej bestii: Wodnej Kreatury, a następnie wróć do Podróżnika z Daleka, który czeka na pagórku w Wyschniętej Zatoce.
[Quest zakończony.]
Possible rewards

Name Quantity / Item
Experience Percentage 15%